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10 Tips for Avoiding Falls Inside and Outside the Home

Falling is one of the most expensive, life-altering, and even deadly health risks facing older Americans. As a matter of fact, about 1 in 3 seniors over 65 will fall this year, with rates steadily increasing with age. A bad fall can lead to a lengthy hospital stay, and result in a permanent reduction in mobility and independence.

Preventing falls should be near the top of the priority list for seniors, as well as their caregivers. Here are some quick tips you can put into practice to help reduce your risk:

If foot or ankle problems are limiting your mobility and putting your stability at risk, make an appointment with Dr. Jyotsna Thapar for a fall prevention screening and treatment options. We serve the Edison, NJ area with offices conveniently located in South Plainfield / Edison and Warren. Call (908) 222-8980 today to schedule.

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