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More Heat Means Sweaty Feet: Preventing Athlete’s Foot

Exposed, sweaty feet can get athlete's foot.
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Spring is here: the days grow longer; the air is crisper; and best of all, the weather is warmer. Spring’s temperate weather means your feet will get busier with walking, jogging, running, and overall more wandering outside. However, increased foot activity also exposes you to one of the most common foot problems out there, athlete’s foot. The good news is that if treated early, it is a fairly mild condition, but if neglected, it can become severe.

According to American College of  Podiatric Medicine, up to 70 percent of  people will suffer from athlete’s foot at  some point in their life. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot is knows as tinea pedis. It causes dry, itchy, and red skin in between your toes and around your feet. The fungus loves warm, dark, and humid environments and it spreads easily by direct contact with contaminated surfaces—yoga mats, floors, the ground of the pilate studio, clothing, gym showers, etc. Most importantly, it is contagious.                                               

Figure 1: Athlete's Foot fungus under a microscope. 
Source: Wikipedia 

The symptoms of athlete’s foot include:

If you are experiencing any of these issues, make an appointment with us immediately for treatment. If ignored, athlete's foot can spread to the toenails, making it very painful to walk or perform daily activities. It can also result in serious bacterial infections, including cellulitis.

As with most preventative medical issues, taking a few precautionary steps can help you avoid getting athlete’s foot. Follow these tips to reduce your risk of developing it:

Treatments can vary based on the severity of the athlete’s foot and the individual patient, but generally if the case of athlete’s foot is mild, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic cream. For recurring cases of athlete’s foot, the doctor may suggest medicated powders or sprays to minimize the chance of recurrence.

For more severe cases or if the infection persists for longer than two weeks, more aggressive therapy may be required. In such cases, Dr. Thapar or Dr. Patel may prescribe oral antifungals to kill the fungus in the deeper layers of tissue where topical medication cannot reach. Athlete’s foot is very common, but that does not mean you should ignore it. If left untreated, the skin infection can lead to onychomycosis or fungal nails, which is a difficult infection to treat.

For more ways to keep your feet in top shape, read our blogs. If you have developed athlete’s foot, call Ankle & Foot Specialist of N.J. for an appointment. Dr. Thapar and Dr. Patel are available in five convenient locations in New Jersey: South Plainfield, Warren, East Brunswick, Woodbridge, and Hillsborough. 

Rohit Lanez-Sharma

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